Saturday, February 2, 2019

February 2019 Newsletter

Maria Lutheran Church Newsletter
February 2019
Mailing Address: 521 N Lincoln Ave, Hershey, NE 69143
Maria Office/Fellowship Hall Phone: 308-368-5510       Email:     

Maria Office Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays, 1:30PM - 5:30 PM

Wade Hudson, Maria’s Parish Assistant
At our Annual Congregational Meeting, we voted to fund the position of Parish Assistant, starting this month.   It is a part-time position to provide pastoral care to our congregation.  Wade will continue his training as a Parish Assistant under the NALC and Pastor Jeff Cottingham of Gothenburg.  Among his duties would be; working with the Church Council to coordinate the ministries of the church, assisting in planning and implementing worship, officiate at weddings, funerals, and baptisms, visiting members at home, in hospitals, and care homes, oversee Maria’s Christian Education programs, participate in ecumenical events in the community,  and plan Bible study and other events for the congregation.  We have been blessed by God for raising Wade up for this important function.  He will receive a salary of $400 a week for his services to Maria. 

Words from Wade
“Lord God, You have called Your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that Your hand is leading us and Your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Amen. From the Lutheran Book of Worship.
I recently read this prayer in The Lutheran Prayerbook and thought it was descriptive of where we currently are as a congregation. I am so excited to see what God has planned for us. As we set out on this path together in Christ, I am very honored to be a part of this new beginning at Maria.
My office hours will be Monday and Tuesday at the Fellowship Hall from 1:30-5:30 and by appointment. Getting out to visit those in nursing homes, hospitals, and the homebound will be a high priority. I am putting a list together; please let me know of those who would like to have me visit. I plan to do visitations on Thursdays.
Please add my cell number to your contacts and you can call or text me any time, day or night, seven days a week. If I am unavailable, you can call or text Tim Johnson: Wade (308)530-2963, Tim (308)520-7591 God is Good!   Wade

Worship Leaders at Maria in February
February 3:  Wade Hudson                                             February 10: Lawrence Wendelin
February 17: Turner Dorr                                               February 24:  Lawrence Wendelin
Upcoming Events:
Maria’s Ark for Grades K-8: Wednesdays 4:00 pm (when school is in session)
Rides available from school
Youth Group for Grades 9-12: Every Wednesday 6:30 pm (when school is in session)

Maria Council Meeting:  Sunday, February 24 following worship service

Maria Women Bible Study: Thursday, February 21, 6:30 PM at Bette Frels home
    We will be starting a study on the Lord’s Prayer.  Each session should last about 1 hour, and only focus on the study, without any business meeting or meal.  We invite all women to join us.     
February Birthdays and Anniversaries*
Feb 1:   Mitch Moorhead, Jarid Cooper       Feb 2:  Mike & Jeanie Star*, Britni Brannan
Feb 5:   Kaelyn Klassmeyer                         Feb 6:  Dayna Wasserburger
Feb 7:  Jackie Brown                                    Feb 9:  Kaitlin Martin
Feb 10: Mike Star                                         Feb 11: Aksel Wiseman
Feb 12: Nicki Schuster                                 Feb 15: Tracy Olson
Feb 17: Tim Brannan, Susan Schliep           Feb 18: Robert Wiseman
Feb 19: Eric & Jackie Brown*                     Feb 20: Peggy Moorhead, Nancy Cooper
Feb 21: Ruth Brown                                     Feb 24: Chase Moorhead, Olivia Moorhead
Feb 24: Jarid & Lakyn Cooper*                   Feb 26: David & Lyndy Fleecs*, Dennis Brown                 

2019 Volunteers Needed
February Volunteers: Fecht Family for all Worship positions

Readers, Ushers, Altar Guild, Communion Assistants and Fellowship Cookie Time volunteers needed.  Please sign up at the church or call Tim Johnson to add your names. 

Contact Numbers for Prayer Chain and Concerns: Tim Johnson (308) 520-0677

Maria Lutheran Church Council January 16 Meeting Minutes
Council Members Present:  Gail Martin, Turner Dorr, Kerry Frels, Peggy Brown, Tim Johnson, Terri Johnson, Ashley Miller, Nick Hudson
Gail Martin, President called meeting to order.  Minutes for 12/5/18 were approved.  Ashley Miller made motion; Nick Hudson seconded motion; motion carried.
  • Peggy reported on bank balances, and presented a Profit and Loss statement for 2018.
A Budget proposal for 2019 was presented, modified to include salary
  • Tim reported on income from giving for the year
  • Kerry Frels made motion to accept both reports; Turner Dorr seconded motion; motion carried.
New Business:
  • Annual meeting was discussed and will be on January 20, 2019 after the church service.  The appropriate notices have been given. 
  • Proposed Agenda of Annual Meeting was discussed and approved.
  • Tim Johnson presented revised Constitution and By-Laws for review and discussion.  A few changes were made.  Both will be presented at Annual Meeting with changes from council for adoption.  Kerry Frels moved to present Constitution and By-Laws at annual meeting with the minor changes; Turner Dorr seconded; motion carried.
  • Proposal for Pastoral Assistant position was presented by Wade Hudson, including proposed compensation, duties, and office hours.   Council reviewed and discussed.  All members agreed that Wade should present this proposal at Annual Meeting.
  • Other options to fill pastoral needs were also discussed, including calling a pastor or continuing with what we are now doing with PA Lawrence Wendelin from Gothenburg and lay leaders from Maria.
Building and Property:
  • Nick Hudson, Turner Dorr, and Wade Hudson presented a list of repairs that need to be completed on the property.  List will be posted in order to inform all the congregation what needs completed and to encourage volunteers to assist in any projects.  Contact Nick, Turner, or Wade if interested.   The list will be included in Annual Meeting reports.
  • Steeple repair needs to be completed as soon as possible.  Nick Hudson will contact building contractors to get bids. 
Meeting Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Frels, Maria Lutheran Church Council Secretary

Maria Lutheran Church Annual Congregational Meeting on January 20, 2019
Gail Martin, President called meeting to order.    26 voting members signed in with 12 needed for a quorum.

Wade Hudson gave devotion to open meeting.

Adoption of Agenda –Kerry Frels moved to adopt agenda; Jeremy Martin seconded motion; motion carried.

Minutes from the 2018 annual meeting were reviewed.  No corrections were made.  Wade Hudson made motion to approve minutes as read; Kerry Frels seconded the motion; motion carried.

New Constitution was presented by Tim Johnson.   After discussion to clarify some sections, no changes to Constitution were made.  Terri Johnson moved to accept Constitution as presented, Dennis Brown seconded motion; motion carried.    

Revised By-Laws were presented by Tim Johnson.   The Endowment Fund and Sexual Harassment Policy included in the by-laws were discussed.  Jeremy Martin made motion to accept By-Laws as presented; Terri Johnson seconded motion; motion carried.

Acceptance of Reports:  The following reports were given:
  • Treasurer Report – Peggy Brown
  • Financial Secretary Report – Tim Johnson
  • Endowment Fund – Kerry Frels
  • Christian Education – Wade Hudson
  • Women’s Church Group – Terri Johnson
  • Beautiful You – Janet Moorhead
  • Building and Property – Turner Dorr
Turner Dorr made motion to accept all reports as presented; Janet Moorhead seconded motion; motion carried.

Mission Share Discussion – Jeremy Martin made motion to table until further information could be obtained; Brian Maassen seconded motion; motion carried.

Pastoral Leadership:  Discussed options for pastoral leadership to include:
  • Sharing a Pastor with another Congregation
  • Continue with Congregational Leaders and PA Lawrence Wendelin alternating Sundays
  • Pastoral Assistant – Proposal for Wade Hudson to oversee pastoral needs of our church as he continues to go through the NALC Parish Assistant Program.
Jeremy Martin made motion to continue with congregation leaders and Pastor Lawrence doing Sunday Services, Bill Maassen seconded motion; motion carried
Janet Moorhead made motion to approve the proposal for Wade Hudson to take over our daily pastoral duties, including compensation beginning February 1, 2019;  Kerry Frels seconded motion; motion carried.

Nomination of Council Members: According to new constitution a minimum of 6 members are required for council, not including youth members or pastoral leadership.  The following persons were nominated for Council and will have staggered terms of 1,2, and 3 years set by council:  Sara Wiseman, Tim Johnson, Peggy Brown, Hannah Uecker, Reagan Hudson, Chase Martin (youth), Turner Dorr, Terri Johnson, Brian Dorr, Jeremy Martin.

Kerry Frels moved to accept all nominated members to council; Brian Maassen seconded motion; motion carried.  

Church Service time was discussed and will remain the same.

Janet Moorhead made motion to adjourn; Jeremy Martin seconded motion; motion carried.

Closed meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully Submitted, Kerry Frels,  Maria  Council  Secretary

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