Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2019

Maria Lutheran Church Newsletter
January 2019
Mailing Address: 521 N Lincoln Ave, Hershey, NE 69143
Message Phone: 308-368-5510       Email:              

Maria Annual Meeting: Sunday, January 20th
It is very important that you join us for the annual meeting.  Following morning worship, we will have a potluck meal and then begin the meeting.  We need the input of everyone interested in the future of Maria as we make decisions about the ministry of our church.  We are the church!  We will be voting on a new constitution, new council members, 2019 budget, and will discuss ministry goals.

Thanks to our Maria’s Ark youth and volunteers, many people received visits with carols and cookies during December.  Youth have also done other volunteer service in the local area. 

Upcoming Events:
Maria’s Ark for Grades K-8: Wednesdays 4:00 pm (when school is in session)
Rides available from school
Youth Group for Grades 9-12: Every Wednesday 6:30 pm (when school is in session)
Maria Council Meeting: Wednesday, January 16, 6:30 PM
Maria Women Bible Study: Date to be set later
  Everyone welcome to come for fellowship and Bible study.
Maria Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2018
Council Members Present:  Gail Martin, Turner Dorr, Kerry Frels, Peggy Brown, Tim Johnson, Terri Johnson, Sara Wiseman, Ashley Miller
Gail Martin, President called meeting to order
Minutes for 11/7/18 were approved with corrections.  Ashley Miller made motion; Sara Wiseman seconded motion; motion carried.
·         Peggy reported on bank accounts.  Need to update authorized signers for Hershey State Bank Accounts.    The following changes were motioned by Gail Martin; and seconded by Kerry Frels, motion carried.
o   Peggy Brown, Tim Johnson, and Wade Hudson will be authorized signers on account #35 and will be able to conduct any and all business on this account
o   Peggy Brown and Tim Johnson will be authorized signers on account #600858 and will be able to conduct any and all business on this account
o   Tim Johnson and Peggy Brown are authorized to open new Certificate of Deposits
·         Tim reported on giving for the year.  Total giving through November is $65,424.69
·         Received Funds from ELCA Mission Investment Funds.  Funds were taken out due to not being affiliated with ELCA any longer.  Tim Johnson will place them in account at Hershey State Bank.
·         Expense of Bus repair was discussed.  This will be approximately $1,500 to fix.  Turner Dorr made motion to authorize Wade to get repairs completed; Sara Wiseman seconded motion; motion carried.
New Business:
·         Decorating the Church for Christmas will be done on December  9th with soup and sandwiches
·         Annual meeting was discussed and will be on January 20, 2019 after Church

Old Business:
·         Christmas Eve service will be at 7:00 pm.  Tim Johnson will lead service and will include sermon, hyms, and communion.  Will use green book for liturgy
·         Communion Training was completed by Pastor Mike Williams.  Tim Johnson, Wade Hudson, and Turner Dorr were all trained.
o   Discussed having communion on special Sundays, and every other week.  This will be put on Agenda for Annual Meeting to discuss
·         Tim Johnson contacted the chaplain at Great Plains Hospital and if we want any visits done we will need to contact him.  Tim has his contact information.
Christian Education:
·         Confirmation – Wade Hudson and Sara Wiseman are working on curriculum that was used when Pastor Judy was here.
Building and Property:
·         Still waiting on shingles to get fixed.  Planning on doing when electric company replaces pole and the bucket truck is here.
·         Will get estimate on possibly replacing bell tower roof and trim with tin instead of shingles

Next meeting will be on January 16, 2019. Meeting Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kerry Frels, Secretary, Maria Lutheran Church, Hershey, NE

Serving at Maria in January
Worship Leaders
We have scheduled Lawrence Wendelin to preach every other week with our worship team preaching the other weeks.  More volunteers are welcome to join the preaching rotation. 

January 6: Wade Hudson
January 13: Lawrence Wendelin
January 20: Tim Johnson
January 27: Lawrence Wendelin

2019 Volunteers Needed
Readers, Ushers, Altar Guild, Communion Assistants and Fellowship Cookie Time Volunteers are needed.  Please sign up at the church or call Tim Johnson to add your names. 

Contact Numbers for Prayer Chain and Concerns: Tim Johnson (308) 520-0677

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